Gears POP!

Gears Pop dapatkan update besar

Kolaborasi yang menarik antara POP dan Gears of War terus berjalan.


Apakah kamu memainkan Gears Pop? Jika ya, The Coalition dan Microsoft punya kabar bagus untukmu, karena season enam telah dimulai. Itu artinya ada banyak hal baru yang bisa kamu nikmati. Ini termasuk empat Pin baru, sebuah Ultimate Pin gratis, dan beberapa perubahan besar.

Inilah deskripsi dari pin-pin baru dan beberapa update terpenting. Untuk daftar lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat di sini.

General RAAM (Legendary) 10 Power — Uses unmatched strength and command over the Kryll against enemies

Bernadette Mataki (Epic) 6 Power — Inspires anybody in cover with her to fire faster

Sam Byrne (Rare) 5 Power — Uses Shock Grenades to slow down her foes and finishes them off with a Snub Pistol

Onyx Guards (Common) 4 Power — These two will stick together on the battlefield, so don't expect them to go down different paths

Balance changes:

Damon Baird - summoned Sentry no longer loses health over time.</em>

Del Walker - faster to launch his first attack on a new target, enters cover faster and enemies who get hit more than once with a Buzzsaw blade take even more damage.

Emergence Hole - spawns three wretches every 4 seconds for its lifetime, can now only be deployed inside your territory.

Jack - Power cost decreased to 6 (from 7), Skill Range increased to 20 (from 16), prioritises the target with the highest health, and can now target fortifications. Some visual issues with Jack's Skill were also fixed.

Gears POP!

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