
The Fortnite New Year event returns: here's how you can take part

If you're gaming with friends tonight, why not tune into the Fortnite celebration?


Well, 2024 is all but over, and once more Fortnite is ushering in the New Year with a special event for all players. To join in and take part, you don't need to do anything special except play Fortnite, and it doesn't matter which time zone you're a part of.

That's because every hour on the hour leading up to New Year's, Fortnite is going to be having a ten-second countdown, followed by its own ball drop. When the disco ball appears, players will be unable to deal damage to each other, and will be forced to celebrate by dancing while fireworks go off in the background.

There's also a Time Square map you can make use of if you want a more traditional New Year's Eve feel. Otherwise, if you're looking for a place to party tonight, at least Fortnite won't be charging entry at the door.


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